Natural Diva Spotlight - Cia E.
1. Why did you decide to go natural and how long have you been natural? I decided to go natural for various reasons. One was the desire to find myself and not live through my hair. I also big chopped because I couldn’t stand the thought that I had to constantly press out my hair after receiving a relaxer was just killing me!!! I big chopped on June 7 2010 which would make me 9 months natural! 2. How did you transition? I began to transition without realizing it. At first it was just a stretching mechanism but in mid March I decided to really transition. I used to use sew-ins and just plaint ponytails. I also flat ironed which was a bad thing which I learned. Thankfully, I didn't have much heat damage. 3. What is your regimen? I try to keep a consistent regimen but I am such a flip flopper. But if I were to pinpoint exactly what I do...its simply I listen. This meaning if my hair feels dirty Ill cowash, if its dry I moisturize and so on. But now I see that my hair is starting to ...