Natural Diva Spotlight - Cia E.

1. Why did you decide to go natural and how long have you been natural?
I decided to go natural for various reasons. One was the desire to find myself and not live through my hair. I also big chopped because I couldn’t stand the thought that I had to constantly press out my hair after receiving a relaxer was just killing me!!! I big chopped on June 7 2010 which would make me 9 months natural!

2. How did you transition?
I began to transition without realizing it. At first it was just a stretching mechanism but in mid March I decided to really transition. I used to use sew-ins and just plaint ponytails. I also flat ironed which was a bad thing which I learned. Thankfully, I didn't have much heat damage.

3. What is your regimen?
I try to keep a consistent regimen but I am such a flip flopper. But if I were to pinpoint exactly what I do...its simply I listen. This meaning if my hair feels dirty Ill cowash, if its dry I moisturize and so on. But now I see that my hair is starting to do that regularly as scheduled so most times I co-wash on Fridays and style on Sundays. I try to use my giovanii clarifying shampoo twice a month because it really does strip the impurities. I deep condition every other week or sometimes as needed. I find that best listening to my hair is best but sometimes training your hair is good as well.

4. What are 4 products you use regularly?
My holy grail products are as follows: prayer, water/anointing oil, restoration, and release. No just kidding (sorta). I absolutely can not i mean con not live without my Oyin Handmades Juices and Berries, then there is my Shealoe koils by nature leave in conditioner, my Oyin handmade burnt pomade, and Coconut oil! If those were the only thing I were allowed to use then I would be set for life!

5. What advice would you give to someone transitioning or a new natural?
Trust me guys, I would not suggest transitioning unless you are mental prepared. I feel as if going natural is a lifestyle and not just a trend to follow. You have to make the decision that you want healthier hair (not to say relaxed hair isn’t). The journey may be rough but it is doable trust me! Its an experience of a lifetime! To my newly natural sisters...its a learning process. You will try things that your hair may love and others that it will laugh at. Always remember that your hair are your ROOTS this meaning that your hair is yours so it may not look like the Diva next to you buy embrace it because you were created that way for a reason. Rock your hair in confidence!

6. Is there anything else you want to add?
Thank You for the opportunity to share my story and advice. Naturals rock...point blank lol

7. Where can we find you?
I love to network so I have a blog, youtube, twitter and facebook!


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