I Transitioned - Tiana

1. What is your name and where are you from
Tiana, Tuscaloosa, AL

2. Why did you decide to go natural and how long have you been natural now?
I had a lot of breakage in my hair due to perms and me not taking care of it. I’ve been natural for 1 year and 9 months.

3. How did you transition?
I grew out my perm with sew-ins and cut off the last 3 inches of perm that was left.

4. What is your regimen?
I wash every week. I regularly wear twist outs, the classic Afro puff, and sew-ins.

5. What are 4 products you use regularly?
Pink Oil Moisturizer, carrot oil, olive oil, and Eco Styler Gel.

6. What advice would you give to someone transitioning or to a new natural?
Keep your patience and dont ever go back to a perm!

7. Where can we find you?


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