Natural Hair Journey - 2 Years!


I am exactly 2 years, 7 months, 4 weeks, and 1 day in deep into this natural hair journey....thanks to the little ticker that keeps up with the exact time frame!! LOL I actually started transitioning in 2009. My hair should probably be down my back by now but I'm definitely happy with the scissors. I can truly say I LOVE being natural!! The versatility is awesome and did I mention blogging about it all is not too shabby either?
My advice to newbies: load up on all the freakin youtube videos, facebook pages, twitter feeds, instgrams, Google+, tumblr pages, and blogs in the beginning..why?...because its fun!! Once you do that, oh and get over being a Product Junkie (I'm still in recovery), figure out what works for YOUR hair. There is no magic curl making product out there I promise...unless you want a Jerri Curl :) Remember...Its just hair. Take good care of it but don't go all nutty!
I think I'm going to focus a little more on growth for awhile and I have an itch to color it again. There will be photos, trust me lol. Whatever I decide to do I will enjoy the freedom of changing it up!
I can be found on:
Instagram: sassynaturals



  1. Congrats on your (over) 2 year mark. I should have hair down my back as well but as long as it's healthy then we're OK. I enjoy your blog and hope to see more posts!

  2. It's a so long journey!Great!


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