Apple Cidar Vinegar Treatment

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a great addition to your hair routine. It’s no secret and its benefits are ancient in use. Hair acidity levels are between 4.5 and 5.5, which is very close to apple ACV (2.9). A lot of the products are heavy alkaline and are harsh on our hair. ACV balances out the pH levels in hair and get rid of the product build up. ACV has also been known to help with dandruff, hair loss, itchy scalp, and hair lice. It can be used once or twice a week or how you see fit. I apply to my hair every third wash.

1. Mix 1 Tbl spoon to 1 cup of warm distilled water. You can use a spray bottle or a squeeze bottle

2. Apply to hair and scalp after shampooing. Cover with shower cap for 30 min to 1 hour

3. Condition afterwards


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